Partnership Board Meeting – Wednesday, 22 February 2006

Details of what was discussed and decided at the 22nd March 2006 Partnership Board Meeting.

Delivery Plan

What was discussed

The final draft of the Year 6 Delivery Plan was presented to members for their approval prior to submitting the Plan to Government Office for Yorkshire and Humber (GOYH).

What we decided

To approve the Delivery Plan for 2006/07 presented at this Board meeting with a BNDfC spend of £13,622,717.

Childcare Focus

What was discussed

Members reviewed the outcome of their discussions on childcare and their recommendations arrived at through Partnership Board focus meetings in January and February 2006.

What we decided

To approve the extension of the Childcare Consortium proposal for a further 12 to 24 months.

To note the approach to undertake the development of a Childcare Voucher Scheme.

To agree they should receive an updated report on developments in September 2006.

Asset Management Strategy

What was discussed

Members agreed that the programme’s asset management strategy should focus on the acquisition of assets that provide the community with facilities that transform the area and the quality of services that are available.

What we decided

To approve the Asset Management Strategy.

To note that a further report reviewing the current Asset Management Sub Group will be submitted to the Executive Sub Group in March 2006.

Forum House

What was discussed

Members discussed the purchase of Forum House.

What we decided

To approve the purchase of Forum House at a cost of £475,000.

To agree to receive representation from BCF and any other organisation at sometime in the future regarding the ownership of Forum House as a way of sustaining the BME community support infrastructure in Sheffield.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 10:29:22.