“The doctor will see you now…”

As we reported in our August 2005 issue, survey results showed some people in Burngreave were having difficulties getting to see their GP. We spoke to the local surgeries and some recognised the problem and have been spending time re-organising their systems and introducing new services.

All the surgeries should always arrange appropriate treatment or advice when you contact them, even if you don’t have an appointment. If you contact any of the surgeries outside working hours your call will be forwarded to an ‘out of hours’ services who deal with emergencies. You can also get advice about health problems and how to use the NHS from the NHS Direct helpline 0845 4647 or website, http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/.

Anyone who is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK has a right to register with a GP and to get treatment from the surgery, including immediately necessary treatment in an emergency. Surgeries can refuse to register people, but if they do, they must give you ‘reasonable grounds’ in writing. If you’re having difficulty registering with a GP you can contact the North Sheffield Primary Care Trust (NSPCT) on 226 4031 and they must find you a GP. All the local GPs told the Messenger they were open for new patients at the moment.

Andy Buck, Chief Executive of the NSPCT told us he was heartened to hear the same survey showed people had a lot of trust in local GPs and hospitals and the PCT viewed the surgeries in Burngreave as being high quality. “It’s pleasing that three-quarters of people found access to GPs fairly or very easy and all the surgeries are working hard and meeting the national targets, ensuring people can be seen at short notice or by booking in advance.”

Local surgeries

All the surgeries encourage people to book appointments by phone and most keep some aside for urgent ‘same day’ problems. Several of them run systems for phone consultations and now offer a variety of alternatives to seeing a GP, like nurse practitioners or health care assistants. Surgeries all produce a ‘Practice Leaflet’ explaining details of their services that you can pick up from their reception.

by Mark Lankshear

This document was last modified on 2008-06-14 20:00:01.