Criteria for property improvements in Pitsmoor

Dear Messenger

It was with interest that I read your recent article on the criteria for property improvements in Pitsmoor. My house is situated at the top of Pitsmoor Road, close to the traffic lights, shops, post office, pubs and businesses, enjoying a regular bus service and the benefits of main road pollution, passing foot traffic and general noise and disruption throughout the 24 hour period. Despite these factors, our area, which must be all of a mile long and accommodating a large number of houses in a variety of states of disrepair, windows out and roofs collapsing, has never been selected for upgrade or improvement.

Pitsmoor Road ticks all of the developer’s boxes – it’s on a bus route, from 0500 to 2300 the 47/48 service passes our door, no money has previously been invested. Improvements are all around us, including Firshill Road/Burnwood, which last saw a car when the choice of colours was limited to black!

Oddly enough, houses further up, which face onto Barnsley Road, and do not have cars, other than for parking, have also been improved. Is there something that you are not telling us about Pitsmoor Road?

I have tried on a number of occasions to get a definitive answer about our fate, but all I get are platitudes and the ever present excuse that no money has been allocated ‘this year’. Having heard this old chestnut since 1986, I am extremely worried about the Council’s finances!

If I sound grumpy, then I am. I pay my taxes like a good ’un, work hard to keep my house in order, and get brassed off when I get excuse after excuse. Pitsmoor Road is the gateway to town, you all use it in some form, and it’s about time that we got a better deal along this little area of Old Sheffield.

With thanks, JC of Pitsmoor Road

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The content on this page was added to the website by Jamie Marriott on 2016-10-25 16:54:22.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2016-10-25 16:54:58.

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