Grimesthorpe residents have continued to be frustrated and angered by the actions of Redwall developers on Grimesthorpe Road. The stretch of attractive woodland that once lined the road has been cleared.
The developer plans to build five-storey flats on the site at the top of Smithies Field, and has been felling large trees to the disappointment of residents nearby. The residents are now putting a petition together in the hope of preventing further damage to the natural environment and the building of the flats which residents say are inappropriate for the area. Pat Eckhardt of Grimesthorpe Road told us:
“I asked the Council to put tree preservation orders on the site, but I was told I had to request this in writing. I later discovered an emergency stop can be placed on the trees to prevent felling and this has now been done. I’ve spoken to the developer about it and felling seems to have stopped. But he is determined to build the flats, he mentioned it would be six or seven blocks. Not only will it ruin the view but it makes no sense, people want family homes not tiny flats. It was not long ago that they demolished blocks of flats further down Grimesthorpe Road.”
The Council have yet to give planning permission for the development, but residents have found it difficult to get their Councillors to support their campaign. Two Burngreave Councillors are on the planning board and as yet have chosen not to get involved.
If you would like to sign the petition and support the Grimesthorpe residents contact Pat Eckhardt on 243 6287.