Wardens at the sharp end

After receiving complaints about a suspected rise in the number of used needles being discarded in public places, I went with Community Wardens Gaynor Topham and recent award winner, Diane Street, on one of their clean up attempts. In the process, I found out a little more about what they do.

Picking up needles is one of the more unpleasant aspects of the job. Nevertheless, Gaynor and Diane agreed: “We don’t mind picking them up, because that way, we know that kids aren’t gonna be.”

According to the wardens, amongst the worst areas for needle dumping are the cemetery, Denholm Park, Catherine Street Park, at the back of Byron Wood School near the adventure playground and the bottom of Brunswick Road near the railway arch. Strikingly, these areas are all close to where children play, or might go exploring.

I joined them on a visit to the railway arch on Brunswick Road. In a secluded corner sheltered from sight by bushes and nettles, we found a grim scene – dozens of discarded needles, swabs, empty packets and cans. Boxes for storing used needles had also been left, rather than taken to a needle exchange centre. Diane and Gaynor agree grimly, “One day, we’re going to find someone dead here. It’s inevitable.”

“After doing their drugs, they tend to… do a poo, and then we come along to clean up the needles… That’s the worst part, stepping in that mess!”

“They don’t seem to care about being near children when they do it,” Gaynor said. “Kids do come down here. I came down here on adventures when I was a kid.” They note that children are good at reporting found needles to the wardens, and add, “But it’s sad when kids know what needles are – their innocence is lost.”

Although unsure why, Gaynor suggested the number of used needles the wardens find seems to have increased. “There’s definitely been an increase since I started in 2003 and over the summer too,” said Gaynor. “We had 1,000 in one month once, and another time, we had 600 in one go!”

“We definitely need a drugs project to come in and offer needle exchange and health advice,” said Gaynor.

Of course, the wardens do much more than just pick up needles. They patrol the streets, visiting Post Offices and schools, making people feel less vulnerable. They report anti-social behaviour, fly tipping, graffiti and visit elderly people in their homes.

Diane Street displays her Sheffield Homes Award
Diane Street displays her Sheffield Homes Award

Indeed, Diane (pictured right) recently won an award from Sheffield Homes for her work with an elderly gentleman. “Older people tend to get forgotten and it’s our job to make sure they get the respect and dignity they deserve,” she told me. “This gentleman was lonely and isolated and I was a friend to him. My visits gave him a new lease of life.” She continued, “Money can’t buy that feeling I get when I visit elderly people and they give me a smile. Often we’re the first human contact they’ve had for a while. It’s lovely for them.”

Despite the grim scenes we had witnessed that day, the wardens were keen to tell me of their love for their job and Burngreave. “The best part of this job is knowing you’re making a difference,” Gaynor said. “I’ve lived here all my life. If I won the lottery tonight, I wouldn’t move away.”

Turning Point are currently working with Burngreave Drug Project and other local services to respond to the current problem of needle littering in Burngreave.

Meanwhile, there is a syringe/needle exchange facility for drug users at Associated Chemists on the Wicker open 8.30am–10pm, Mon–Sat and 10am–8pm on Sun. Use the door featuring the needle exchange logo.

If you find a needle – don’t touch it! Call the wardens on freephone 0800 169 2118 and leave a message, being precise about the location and leaving a contact number if possible. They aim to remove it within four hours.

Or contact the council. If the needle is in a public place contact Street Force on 273 4567. If it is on your property contact Environmental Services on 203 7411 or 203 7410. They aim to remove it within one working day.

by Kate Atkinson

Diane Street and Gaynor Topham pick up discarded needles
Diane Street and Gaynor Topham pick up discarded needles
Discarded 'sharps'
Discarded 'sharps'
This document was last modified on 2016-10-26 02:26:14.