It's over to you

Fun was the name of the game at the last public meeting held in May 2005
Fun was the name of the game at the last public meeting held in May 2005

It’s that time again for you to come and let us know what you think about the changes happening in Burngreave.

The next public meeting, where Burngreave residents are given the opportunity to shape the future of their area, is taking place on Saturday, 3 December 2005.

The event at Verdon Recreation Centre will give you the chance to meet some of the projects, keep informed about BNDfC activities and enable you to have a say about how New Deal is changing the area you live in.

Visitors will be treated to refreshments served from 1pm – the meeting starts at 2pm.

John Clark, BNDfC Chief Executive said:

“The public meeting is a great opportunity for people in Burngreave to make their voices heard and have an impact on the way the area is developing.

“Everyone is welcome and I would encourage all residents to come along and hear about some of the activities that are already taking place in Burngreave, and have a say on what they would like to see happen in the future.”

This document was last modified on 2007-12-27 20:22:13.
The pages in this section are produced by the New Deal executive team. For more information on BNDfC, or if you have any comments, please contact 279 6932.