Our experience of Rock Street 'facelifts'

Dear Messenger,

I read with interest your ‘Rock Street Rumbles’ article in the October 2005 issue about the problems that residents of Rock Street were having with their improvement scheme as we were due to have our houses ‘facelifted’ at the other end of Rock Street.

Our scheme is funded differently, but only a few weeks into the work, problems are arising. From being ‘misinformed’ at meetings about works to be carried out to, on a personal note, downright refusal to discuss with me the work to be carried out on my home as we are private tenants and not the owners of the house. The owner actually lives in London, and agents manage the property who have tried to keep us updated, mainly by photocopying the proposed plan for the work scheduled, as this can change from day to day we are no wiser! Apart from that, they have many other properties to manage and can’t be contacting us everytime they have another form to sign for the Council.

Other occupiers have had workmen and the contract manager speak to them explaining what exactly will be done to their property. I, on the other hand, have asked until I am blue in the face what part, and how much, of our front garden we will need to clear of plants before the builders start work on the walls and railings. I don’t think this is too much to ask, especially as the house agents have told the Council that the garden is to be left as it is and not cleared. When I have asked to be kept informed I have been curtly told, “We are under no obligation to speak to you, only the owner”. And they refuse to tell me anything, only saying: “Ask your landlord.” The house agents have now been told by the Council that my husband and I are welcome at the neighbourhood meetings but we are not allowed to vote. Although the last meeting was held in the street by car headlights as noone had bothered to check the church hall would be unlocked!

The people connected with this scheme make me feel like I am a second-class citizen, all I ask for is a little consideration and cooperation, but I get none. My husband and I have lived in this house 17 years and I have lived on Rock Street for 42 years, I was born in my grandmother’s house on Rock Street.

We moved out of council property eighteen years ago for many reasons, we did not like the Council’s attitude to tenants and the way tenants have to wait far too long for repairs to be carried out etc. We have a good relationship with our house agents, but right now I wish to God I didn’t live here on Rock Street.

Yours sincerely, Rock Street resident

Document Links

Rock Street Rumbles
Rock Street Rumbles article from the October 2005 issue.
This document was last modified on 2007-12-27 21:45:21.