Parkwood landfill

Last month there were two other Panel meetings on the landfill site and environmental improvements on the local parks and green spaces. The discussion about the landfill site excited more examination of the PCT’s position, than Viridor as the operator.

As many know, and the Messenger has consistently reported, fears about health are widespread. Jeremy Wight did indeed confirm that some conditions appear to be more likely closer to the landfill, but this evidence isn’t scientifically “conclusive” as they say. Question – does this mean local concerns aren’t valid? Answer – no, but it means different ways need to be found to take residents’ concerns forward.

One thing that’s been mentioned (is it since Gibraltar Street closed and City Centre routes have become busier?), Burngreave Road, Minna Road and Rutland Road seem to be carrying many more HGVs with waste…

This page is produced by Andy Shallice – Area Co-ordinator for Burngreave Area Panel.

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The content on this page was added to the website by Jamie Marriott on 2016-10-24 23:39:17.
The content of the page was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2016-10-25 13:40:45.

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