Burngreave in bloom

The Area Panel is keen to see whether Sheffield as floral capital of Europe can reach into the inner city.

More planters and baskets in Page Hall, the top of Barnsley Road this year, and on Ellesmere Green and Spital Hill… and the lights on the trees should soon be on as the lecky meter’s been installed at YEB’s insistence. But we’re also looking at a trial scheme for front gardens and flat balconies later in the spring – hopefully with a big programme next year. You’ll see on page 17 a job advert for a part-time “gardening development worker” – funded by the Area Panel, whose job will be to help and advise on growing flowers and maintaining attractive gardens.

This page is produced by Andy Shallice – Area Co-ordinator for Burngreave Area Panel.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 13:40:15.