
Story by Alison Norris

Join us in using Reflect- Action to improve life in Pitsmoor – you put your whole self in.

Reflect-Action uses creative tools, such as drawings, stories, diagrams and songs, to help people share experiences, spot patterns and take action in their lives. A group of Black community workers in Cardiff use R-A to understand and appreciate their differences, share skills and support. Another group in Oxford use it to take action on drugs problems. This adaptable process was developed in Bangladesh and has spread to over 60 countries.

We are a small group of friends living in Pitsmoor who have used R-A in our jobs supporting other communities. We want to share this creative, action-focused process with you. You can be part of what happens next. The first get together will be in March, for more information contact Alison on 243 5732 or Susi on 279 5083, or There is no charge, but please bring some food to share.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-24 17:32:54.