Please will people stop assuming it is unsafe?

Dear Messenger

I enjoy reading the letters page but was upset to read February's letter from Gordon Lawton. He returned to visit the Pitsmoor area from Australia and was told by relatives not to get out of his car to walk around. Why? Do his relatives live in this area? Please will people stop assuming it is unsafe? It is as safe as any other area.

Concerning another of February's contributions, I know many ‘White British’ people who agree with the comments in Sally Stracey's letter, they do not feel represented. Finally, thank you to Christine, of the Friends of Burngreave Chapel, for helping me to find a grave. In the book ‘Weerz me dad?’ by Fred Pass (highly recommended – all the money goes to charity), one of his friends died and I wanted to find the grave, which I did. Thank you.

Christine Hanstock

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 18:29:16.