Supporting Somalis

The needs of the local Somali community are still not being met… This was the conclusion of the Somali Development & Support Organisation (SDSO) General Meeting and conference.

The SDSO put on its first major event on 28th April, with the support of the Agency for Community Empowerment (AfCE) working with Home Office sponsorship. The event was well attended, mainly by Somali men, who discussed some of the real issues that affected them and their families such as accessing housing, health services, education and training and getting work.

Saleh Ali, a Director of SDSO, said “Although we have had some help from AfCE and funding from the Lottery and South Yorkshire Community Foundation, we have found it very difficult in getting on-going support”.

The participants clearly thought that despite official sources indicating that there are about 20 Somali community organisations locally receiving funding there was still very little to show for the public money spent.

John Clark, Chief Executive from Burngreave New Deal for Communities, also attended the event and shared his concerns about the views expressed by the Somali participants.

The conference concluded that ineffective organisations need to be weeded out and those that are stronger and more successful should work smarter by forming partnerships or focusing their attention by developing complimentary areas of activity.

The SDSO is interested in holding a complimentary event for Somali women.

If you are interested in being involved please telephone the organisation’s Secretary on 201 7163.

by Vic Berry (AfCE) & Saleh Ali (SDSO)

This document was last modified on 2011-12-01 16:24:40.