Letter to the Messenger

Dear Messenger

I was disappointed at John Clark’s (New Deal Chief Executive) comments relating to the Masterplan printed on page 5 of May’s Messenger – “Research showed a supermarket would bring local jobs and boost income for other shops”.

The research he is referring to is by ‘Business in the Community’ – sponsored by Ikea, Next, Lloyds TSB and yes, what a surprise, the supermarket chain Tesco!

Also he commented “the Hallcar Road site [New Roots Café and The Plaza] was the only viable option”. This assertion was also included in a report from BNDfC put before the Council Cabinet meeting 25th May.

I am puzzled by Mr Clark’s fixation on having a supermarket on Hallcar Road, are there personal issues here? Are the supermarket chains (the ones he has chosen to negotiate with at any rate) choosing the prime sites on the Spital?

Perhaps most significant is the fact that his comments on the Hallcar site, reported to the Council Cabinet, were not endorsed by the ‘New deal Partnership Board’.

The details of the Masterplan are now to be worked out in Project Groups. I hope as many people as possible within Burngreave will participate and that New Deal, just one of the many key stakeholders, will approach the process with a willingness to listen and work together to achieve an outcome that will truly reflect the needs and wishes of Burngreave as a whole.

Jeff Kirby

This document was last modified on 2011-11-03 17:19:14.