This page is produced by Andy Challice – Area Co-ordinator for the Burngreave Area Panel
School gates
Something weird seems to happen when adults have to get to and from school gates. Some of us lead lives that mean we never have enough time; we don’t have a minute to waste before leaving the 6-year-old at school, and getting into work by 9am. And the job isn’t round the corner – it’s on Ecclesall Road. And sometimes we have to fetch children on a wet day from two schools that are half a mile apart. So the journey to and from school is by car, if there is one.
Owler Brook school at Page Hall isn’t the only school that has this problem. At least the cars don’t tend to be 4x4s! But it means that on Wensley Street there are problems, and rows and arguments and revving engines – as tempers fray and nothing moves.
There are different ways of dealing with this. Some people say that we need wider roads and special car parks. Others say that we need double-yellow lines, parking wardens and fines. And some say that nothing should be done to encourage more drivers – but we should try and do something to see if more children (and parents) could walk to and from school.
But then I’ve heard something different. Someone white explained that it was ‘cultural’. Apparently it had been said (by an Asian dad) that “in our culture, women shouldn’t be seen walking to school with their children”. The conclusion was that at the mention of the word ‘culture’, the argument should cease as nothing could be done. As it happens, I don’t agree. I don’t agree that culture is one unchanging, unchangeable thing. Cultures change as people and communities change. Secondly, for anyone to suggest that there is a cultural – or is it religious – explanation for jumping into a car is daft and wrong. And thirdly for this absurdity to be repeated is more than wrong. It creates an ‘us’ and ‘them’ – and rapidly becomes an urban myth, or a prejudiced claim. How could anyone think that for Asian women – or any parent, it is dishonourable being seen to be walking children to school?