Partnership Board Meeting - 26th October 2005

What was discussed

Communication Strategy Update

Board Members were informed of the progress of the Communications Strategy over the past 12 months.

What we decided

Members welcomed the progress made and stressed the continued need to engage local people in the decision making process.

What was discussed

BNDfC Asset Update

Whether BNDfC should hold assets that bring improved services to the area or generate income.

What we decided

BNDfC would invest in assets that were sustainable but brought about improved services in the area, eg Sure Start Centre that delivers children and family services, Vestry Hall which will offer learning opportunities for adults and children and Sorby House which will be a focal point for delivery of other services such as job search and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.

This document was last modified on 2007-08-28 15:27:44.
The pages in this section are produced by New Deal. For more information on BNDfC, or you have any comments, please contact: Alison Reid, Communication Manager. Email: Telephone:(0114) 279 6932. Address: BNDfC, 1st Floor, Speedicut Works, Harleston Street, Sheffield, S4 7QB. Website: