Designer Youth Shelter

Ever thought of owning your own home? Can’t afford the down payment on a mortgage? Never mind! You can have your very own place to hang out, out of the rain and wind, in your favourite haunt – Abbeyfield Park. Fabulous views across well-manicured lawns, centrally located in a listed park!

All you have to do is build it yourself. Green Watch Rangers will provide tools, expertise, skills and materials to build you your very own designer Youth Shelter. The Rangers will be available on the between Monday 25th July and Friday 5th August between 1pm and 5pm.

There’s a lot to do: laying the foundation, fixing the timbers, setting the uprights and basic joinery, building the roof beams, fixing the sides and front panels and fixing the roof and gutters.

The task may be extended on consultation with you, the young people involved.

The Rangers will provide gloves, helmets, all the tools and refreshments. All you need to do is come along and pitch in. You never know, one day you might want to use the skills you learn in your own house.

Wear old clothes and be prepared to break a sweat…

This document was last modified on 2012-06-21 15:48:29.