
by Jill Portman

You may have seen adverts in previous Messengers for Burngreave Ramblers’ walks and been curious to know who this group is or even be tempted to join them. Here’s your chance to find out more.

Despite the name this group doesn’t have any connection with the national ‘Ramblers’ walking group. We are a small group of local people who like to go walking in the countryside in Derbyshire or outside Sheffield.

The social side is important as well and life histories often get swapped climbing up hills. The walks are about five to seven miles long and we share cars to get out.

There is no charge and walkers bring a packed lunch in the summer. People who come on the walks are all ages (5–60) and at different fitness levels. Children come on the walks but need to be able to walk the distance.

We are a hardy bunch and walk in snow and rain though its lovely to walk amongst the wild flowers and sunshine at this time of year.

People come for all sorts of reasons. For some it’s the chance to do something entirely different to the rest of your life; the sense of achievement of climbing to the top of a hill and seeing miles around you; being in an unspoilt environment away from buildings and people; getting fit not in a gym, or just getting a buzz from natural beauty.

Regular Rambler Judith said: “I come for the good company and exercise. Going walking relieves stress and you can breath fresh air. It’s free and there’s lovely scenery and you don’t get much of that in Burngreave”.

Because the walks are often on rough and muddy ground, people need to have strong shoes or walking boots and having a waterproof coat makes life much more comfortable .

This document was last modified on 2012-06-28 17:45:44.