Even more adventures

by Ryan Higgins, junior volunteer

Pitsmoor Adventure Playground has been redeveloped over the past few months.

The new structures built have changed the landscape and view of the playground, and have already attracted new users. There is a new rope swing, assault course, roundabout and a playhouse as well as a new sand pit and climbing frame.

Steve Edwards, who runs the Adventure Playground, explained that a grant of £32,470 from New Deal paid for the changes which include a picnic area and planting around the site.

I asked some of the children at the playground what they thought of the improvements. Jerome Edwards, 14, said, “I like the assault course the best because it's different and is something that the playground has never had.”

Jessica Robinson, 13, stated, “I like the roundabout because of how fast the staff can make it go.”

Rhiane Homer, 8, said, “I like the sand pit because it is fun and I enjoy being buried in the sand.”

Sarah O’Callaghan added: “I really like the sand pit because I like being messy and having fun”.

New user Alexandra Jay Hallam- Hoyle said, “I saw it before the new stuff was brought on and it just looked plain, now it looks exciting and there is lots to do.”

The children seem to really enjoy the playground’s new equipment. I also asked parents and staff about the changes.

Naveed Hussain, a regular casual worker, said: “The facilities are very good and I wish I had the same facilities when I attended as a youth”.

Rob Lawson, local parent, who has been using the playground for twenty-five years said, “I am amazed to see that after all this time the playground is still alive and kicking and providing a safe environment for children to play together and mix with others from all walks of life”.

As a user of the playground, I believe it keeps going from strength to strength and can carry on getting better.

This document was last modified on 2012-06-28 16:25:54.