Burngreave Mile Run 2005

Over 100 people of all ages took to the road on Sunday 26th June to take part in the third annual Burngreave Mile Run.

This year’s route took the participants from Abbeyfield Park gate onto Abbeyfield Road, along Scott Road, and down onto the finish at Petre Street playing fields.

There they were greeted by cheering spectators, bottles of complimentary water and numerous different stalls offering food and drink. Finally the site was host to the award presentations to the winners and runners-up in all the races.

The weather failed to disappoint as the event was blessed with sweltering heat and bright sunshine which certainly didn’t go unnoticed by those participating.

Event organiser and chair of BSN Robert Smith said: “It was great again to see so many people running and taking part in organising the events safely. Although gaining the involvement of those 14–19 year olds was difficult – we saw only a small turnout of competitors from this age range. Hopefully next year’s Mile Run event will grow and become even more successful.”

A similar positive response was shown by participant and local resident, Clare Burnell. “I think the event was a great success and was well organised. It worked well as the roads were closed to cars, residents came out to spectate and cheer, which supported the runners and made it a very friendly and enjoyable experience.The way that everybody set off together as a group added to this.”

So with the success of the event increasing with time, we can be sure to expect a great day at next year’s run (weather permitting!).

by Reuben Vincent

This document was last modified on 2012-06-28 16:08:03.