Making your mark

Burngreave residents were given the opportunity to shape the future of their area by attending a special public meeting organised by BNDfC.

The event at Ellesmere Green aimed to keep local people informed about BNDfC activities and enable them to have a say about how New Deal is improving the area they live in.

Visitors were treated to a feast of free food and family fun with children’s rides and games.

The BNDfC communications vehicle was at Ellesmere Green throughout the afternoon, where members of the BNDfC Partnership Board and interpreters were available to answer any questions.

Displays and activities were on show to promote the work of various projects funded by BNDfC.

The brand-new BNDfC website was launched and the community were encouraged to have a go and give us their comments –

We are now in the process of looking at and responding to the feedback we received from those who attended – here are some key points that were raised:

“It is fantastic to see all these people here – great sense of community spirit.”

It was a really fun event and this has been reflected in the comment above and in many of the other comments we have received.

“More recognition for those of us who go to school out of the area. We need to feel that we are not forgotten just because we go to school out of the area.”

You are not forgotten. BNDfC does support all children who live in the area through a range of activities such as the Celebration of Success event, festive fun parties, Study Support Groups and a variety of youth work. However, we will ensure we do more in the future.

“More plain English – less development jargon.”

The regeneration sector has developed its own set of acronyms, jargon and slang. We recognise this and are committed to the use of ‘plain English’.

Thanks for making this point and we will endeavour to cut out jargon in the future.

Others comments received on the day will be responded to personally.

Aisha Special K, Burngreave resident and BNDfC board member said:“The public meeting is a great opportunity for people in Burngreave to make their voices heard and have an impact on the way the area is developing.

They take place every six months, but this time we thought we would try something different and move away from the formal style, instead visitors were encouraged to circulate and talk in smaller groups. It was a wonderful initiative that took advantage of the summer months and brought the meeting to the public.

We appreciate the effort people made to come along on the day. The feedback we have received has been truly positive and it was a really memorable occasion

This document was last modified on 2012-06-28 17:40:49.