Messenger Editorial

Last month we reported on residents relief at the re-opening of the Carwood Mini Market after the previous owners had been forced to close down due to repeated harassment. Residents looked forward to a turning point in Carwood’s future.

This month, someone seemed prepared to waste other people’s lives to carry out a deed that inconveniences many and has only one direct beneficiary, themselves.

This is a community issue.The youths stole almost nothing from their attack, so what what did they risk life sentences for? Did they receive wages from a paymaster? If people are angry it’s because of the inconvenience not having that shop has, and will, cause so many.

This month’s team:

Farzana Ahmed, Kate Atkinson, Annie Blindell, Clare Burnell, Mark Lankshear, Jamie Marriott, Carl Rose, Rob Smith, Lisa Swift and Paul Taylor.

This document was last modified on 2015-05-11 17:01:02.