- [+] Burngreave Messenger 2016 Archive
206 archive of the online version of the monthly news magazine delivered to all households in the Sheffield Burngreave ward. Burngreave Messenger Ltd. is a non-profit making, membership owned community organisation.
- [+] Archives
Back issues of the Burngreave Messenger community newspaper, along with additional news items exlusive to the website.
- [+] October 2004 Issue 45
Online version of Issue 45, the October 2004 edition of the Burngreave Messenger.
- [+] Dear Messenger...
Readers of the Messenger share their views and have their say.
- [•] It is with a certain sadness that I hear you are no longer producing your website
It is with a certain sadness that I hear you are no longer producing your website edition, other than publishing your print copy as an Adobe PDF file, for the foreseeable future! Surely this is a retrogade step.
- [•] Congrats to the Burngreave Community Radio
It must have taken a lot of hard work, vision and dedication to make it happen, and the work has paid off. Well done.
- [•] Book written by a Sheffield-born Yemeni
I found the book very exciting and funny in places. It was a fictional book about Yemeni and Iranian gangsters in the pizza takeaway business. It was also about politics.
- [•] Entering the ‘Sheffield In Bloom’ contest
I proudly received the runner up Award ‘highly commended, best kept front garden’ for my category and a round steel-framed certificate.