Playing with fire

Story by Rob Smith

I went to speak to a resident whose house looks out over Osgathorpe Park. Wishing to remain anonymous, the resident raised concerns about a gang of teenage boys and the continuing incidents of stolen vehicles being driven in the park.

“It goes on up to 2am and the first time I rang the police on 999. They didn’t arrive until an hour later, about the same time as the fire engine. Of course the torching of the vehicle inside the younger ones’ newlypainted play area could have been avoided by a quicker response.”

Stolen vehicles access the park through a broken wall claims the resident. “It was reported and fixed, but two days later another vehicle was driven through it by the same gang. Now this has happened on three occasions.”

Interacting with local park services this resident was also shocked to discover they knew nothing about the vehicle-torching incident. “Why the police or even fire department didn’t inform the Park Services, who are on the ground, would fix the wall and can interact with local youth services, shows a lack of co-ordination that only allows things to continue I believe,” added this irate resident whose words seemed to make a lot of sense.

This document was last modified on 2015-08-15 12:17:26.