Masterplan unveiled

The final draft of the Burngreave and Fir Vale Masterplan has been published. It’s on display in the New Deal Shop until 12th November 2004 and can be downloaded from the Council’s website or below:

After two previous rounds of consultation the last comments are being taken before the final plan goes to the Council for approval in the new year. If agreed, it will set the framework for the transformation of Burngreave, guiding both public spending and private sector investment.

Despite one of the most extensive consultations in Burngreave’s history, some businesses have been worried about their future and feel they haven’t been kept in touch.

Residents have expressed concerns about losing their homes and not being able to afford the new prices. In the final draft of the plan the Council stress their intention is not to extinguish existing businesses, but to provide better accommodation and environments for them. They say they will do all they can to help existing residents, both during the phased redevelopment and with buying or renting new homes.

In our article ‘Masterplan for Burngreave’ we bring you views from local businesses and residents when we showed them the plans.

Fir Vale East & Wensley Estates

Clearance of some narrow terraces and building of approximately 250 houses (80% privately owned) with parking and improved green spaces and other means to ‘design-out crime’.

Page Hall & Upwell Street

Environmental improvements to Page Hall, with better parking and pedestrian facilities, relocation of businesses in the Upwell area and new housing.

Catherine Street

Demolition of 19 houses and 24 flats, with 52 new houses built, the closure of Brotherton Street to traffic and improvements to Somerset Road playground.

Owler Lane, Skinnerthorpe Road & Earl Marshall

Major redesign of the Owler Lane junction and demolition and rebuilding of shops and flats with a new slip road. Rebuilding of Skinnerthorpe Road and Earl Marshall housing with a new cluster of community facilities.


Around 325 new residential units (75% houses, 25% flats, 80% private), new business units on Woodside Lane and improvements to Stanley Fields Park.

Spital Hill

Major rebuilding, in phases, to create a retail core, a community core and an employment zone. Plans include a complex of businesses and flats around Lion works and Spital Street as the new ring road joins Burngreave Road above the Wicker Arches, an indoor market on the old garage site, a new foodstore with parking, new housing to replace Ellesmere Old People’s Home and the refurbishing of the Vestry Hall and Sorby House.

Document Links

Masterplan for Burngreave
The Council have been consulting residents at different locations and meetings including the Fir Vale Forum, Burngreave Community Action Forum and the Area Panel meeting. The Messenger has been to find out what people are saying around Burngreave…
This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 23:12:55.