Time For Some Green Action

The Burngreave Green Environment Programme began two years ago with a £1.3 million budget, £1 million of which came from New Deal. Now concerns have been raised that our green spaces are still in a shabby state and nothing is being done. The Messenger investigates…

Members of the steering group told the Messenger a great deal has been achieved since the beginning of the programme. New fencing and facilities have been installed at Grimesthorpe Allotments, the children’s playground in Abbeyfield Park has been refurbished (see page 11), improvements have been made at Osgathorpe Park and a friends group set up (see page 6), and the forestry project have not only planted lots of trees but also carried out tree surgery across Burngreave. The programme has also completed a very detailed audit of the green spaces, measuring their environmental, historical and social value.

The main aim of the programme was to develop an Action Plan for all the green spaces. This is complete but some feel it has taken too long and more visible, practical work should have been done.

John Clark, Chief Executive of BNDfC, told the Messenger, “We need to see visible changes soon. There was a delay in completing the Action Plan which is why more has not been done. The partnership board have raised their concerns with Sheffield Wildlife Trust and a plan has been developed for the next twelve months. Before March 2005 we want to see developments at Abbeyfield Park, Osgathorpe Park and Catherine Street playground.”

Although the Action Plan is complete, work has yet to be costed, but Sheffield Wildlife Trust are confident they already have enough funds to achieve their goals for the next year. New Deal has also expressed its commitment to making the whole Action Plan a reality, which includes plans for the Cemetery, Ellesmere Park, Burngreave Rec and other green space in Burngreave. But New Deal is adamant any further funding must be matched by money from other funders.

John said, “Other New Deal programmes have been able to double the New Deal input, and we want this one to do the same – organisations such as Groundworks could bring money to the area. Green City Action, a Burngreave-based organisation, will also be involved in planning and implementing some of the work.”

Jane Haigh, programme manager for the project at Sheffield Wildlife Trust, told the Messenger, “We have to admit that only small-scale work has been done, but the main aim of phase one was to complete an Action Plan which has now been done. Major work could not be started until this had happened, and we are going to get a lot done before the end of March 2005.”

Jane explained the underspend was due to many things, including plans to use St Catherine’s Hall and renovate it as a base in the area. The plans fell through when the Church decided to sell it to someone else. The programme was without some of its key workers for three months, which added to the problem and also delayed production of the Action Plan.

“Since I was appointed three months ago we have been working really hard to move things on. Myself and other workers are really committed to the area and are going to make sure things happen this year.We have been able to carry forward the underspend from last year and we are now in a position to get the work done on Abbeyfield, Osgathorpe and Catherine Street.We are also looking forward to working with Green City Action and building their capacity for future work.”

The Burngreave Green Audit is being made available at www.burngreavemessenger.org.uk/greenaudit/. You can download information about a green space near you and find out its history, what wildlife lives there and how the community uses it. It is also available to read in the Burngreave Library and the BNDfC Info Shop on Spital Hill.

Next issue

In the next issue of the Messenger the Green Environment Programme will be asking for your views on the this year’s plans for Abbeyfield Park, Osgathorpe Park and Catherine Street open space. The Programme will also be attending the festivals at Abbeyfield Park and Osgathorpe Park in July with their plans.

This document was last modified on 2016-10-24 14:13:53.