Ellesmere Children’s Centre

Story by Gaby Spinks

Sharon Curtis and her team at the Ellesmere Children’s Centre on Maxwell Street have achieved an excellent Ofsted report.

Yasmin Dhoomun the Messenger’s newest volunteer and I were given a guided tour around the building. There are three rooms for different aged children and an outside play area where the older children were running around playing, as well as all the usual changing rooms, kitchens and offices.

The atmosphere was very warm and cosy with children curled up asleep on cushions and others happily playing.

Sharon explained that they plan to landscape a large garden on adjoining land and build a soft play area:

“We are currently 90% full, but if anyone needs childcare please come down. We also have two free Sure Start referral places for children of parents who need some respite.”

As the parent of a small baby I wish I’d known about that one a couple of months ago!

They are half way through getting their Sheffield Kite mark – a local quality assurance award – which should be completed by Easter.

If anyone would like to read the Ofsted report you can visit Ellesmere Children’s Centre or visit the Ofsted website listed below.

For more information on the Centre, contact 281 2143.

What is Ofsted?

OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, and is the department which inspects schools and early years childcare, including childminders.

When you start looking at childcare or schools for your children it’s useful to look at any Ofsted reports, and a good childminder will also be Ofsted registered.

Their website contains reports on our local nurseries and schools. There is also advice about finding childminders and day care facilities.

Visit http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/

This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 14:22:38.