BWRC – Celebrate Achievements

Established in 1994, the Black Women’s Resource Centre Children’s Project has developed from a voluntary organisation to a substantial project employing staff and managing an important childcare resource.

In 2002 the centre became registered by OFSTED as eligible providers giving them the legal status to deliver nursery education grant places. Volunteer Lizabeth Mais told me:

“This year over 55 children are registered here and over 20 on our waiting list. A lot of that has come via positive feedback from our children to their parents and the grapevine, that has attracted other parents and children.”

Future plans of the BWRC management are to expand the nursery to the upper floors of the building, in order to create additional childcare places and employment opportunities.

In November the Centre held an open day to celebrate the achievements of those attending and to look to the future. I went along to see what this longstanding Burngreave community initiated project had to offer.

The centre’s staff were there on hand to greet warmly the arrival of proud parents and their children. Councillor Ibrar Hussain was there, not only as a parent, but also to hand out awards and presentations.

Before the performance of a short play by the children, I spoke to some of the parents. Fahid and Nahid Aziz told me how proud they were. Fahid’s four year old daughter was acting as Goldilocks in the story of the three bears. Fahid said:

“I haven’t looked back since my daughter came here. I feel confident and secure that she’s looked after till I collect her.”

Hodan Mohamed told me she was here to watch her daughter perform. She has attended the centre for over two years and really enjoys being here:

“It’s very good and it’s so nice to feel confident leaving my children here.”

Ibrar Hussain explained how all four of his children have attended this centre.

“And it’s a very valuable service to the


Chair Dorothy Wilson and centre manger Sharon Brown opened the presentation by welcoming everyone.

“Today is about recognising achievements.”

Sharon also made an appeal for people to consider becoming members of the BWRC management committee, in order to help the centre in its future progress.

Then youngsters no older than four lined the walls to watch the performance by others of Goldilocks. Nursery infants performing to an audience for the first time in their lives drew a huge round of applause from those attending.

To find out more about BWRC, contact Sharon Brown on 0114 275 1817.

What is Ofsted?

OFSTED is the Office for Standards in Education, and is the department which inspects schools and early years childcare, including childminders.

When you start looking at childcare or schools for your children it’s useful to look at any Ofsted reports, and a good childminder will also be Ofsted registered.

Their website contains reports on our local nurseries and schools. There is also advice about finding childminders and day care facilities.


This document was last modified on 2016-10-25 14:23:26.