Stranger Danger

Story: Rob Smith

On 1st July Pitsmoor Adventure playground joined with the New Deal Police Team to make the children more aware about the danger of meeting strangers.

“The idea is to bring a stranger onto the playground, who may attempt to befriend the kids. In this case it will be a plainclothed officer,” explained Richard Fowler of the Playground.

The arrival of four New Deal Police Officers was followed by the appearance of their stranger. The plain-clothed policeman wearing army jackboots, bright orange T-shirt and army trousers. I watched as he positioned himself outside the gates. He stood amidst the kids before entering the centre itself.

Inside PC Hancock asked if any of the kids knew what had happened recently to bring the Police out. “The shootings,” shouted one young voice. Another suggested, “The fighting.” PC Hancock soon corrected them by enquiring if any one had been aware of a stranger and knew the danger of talking to strangers. “Yeah!” many of the kids acknowledged this danger as some made reference to the recent Ian Huntley case.

“Has anyone seen the stranger that had just been here?” PC Hancock’s asked. The centre fell silent momentarily. “A man with army trousers was here, he was a stranger!” Declared one young voice joined by others.

Asking the kids for a description of the man meant pens and paper were handed out, before moving onto how to say no and evade the attentions and danger of strangers.


This document was last modified on 2015-03-31 10:29:58.