About us

The Burngreave Messenger is an independent community newspaper, delivered free, six times per year, to over 9000 households in the Burngreave area of Sheffield. The Messenger was first printed in 1999 and is a not-for-profit limited company, and a registered charity whose trustees are residents of the Burngreave area.

Decisions about the content of the Messenger are made collectively by volunteers in the editorial team and website editorial team. Volunteers are involved in writing, photography, design, editing, decision making, website management and proof reading.

The purpose of the Burngreave Messenger is to build the capacity of Burngreave residents through the production of the Messenger newspaper and website.

We aim to:

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Messenger funding comes to an end
After 15 brilliant years and so much contribution from so many people, the Messenger’s current funding has come to an end and there will be no December edition.
This document was last modified on 2016-07-23 19:11:47.